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Updated: Dec 22, 2021

To my great-niece Grace Castellanos...happy decades of living beautiful one.


A fresh sapling getting nourished by sun-rays and watered by dewey sprays

Whilst growing and glowing

by moonlit nights and

Stars shining bright.

Your light illuminates

your thoughts,

your heart seeks to know

who you are becoming as it ought,

Defined by God who created

Such a beautiful soul to fulfill

The purpose only you hold…

Look back at the years now past,

I’m sure the time’s gone fast

When you were little say eight years old

And all you did then was what you were told.

Now you're a young adult whose

Responsibility is mostly for you

Your choices today will impact your path,

A future uncertain, so you ask:

when and how will I get to where

I want to go with the least bit of trouble?

You’re only responsible for what you know and do,

The path you take is now up to you.

So in all your getting get understanding

And wisdom too, they both will help you

Do what you are created to do.

Only you and He knows where you'll end up,

Only He can fulfill your empty cup, the cup of life!


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