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The Dream Stealer

author: Sabra Jenkins

When fear walks up and takes a seat it comes so subtly to defeat All your hopes and dreams It causes you to renege, it seems.

Fear’s not as powerful as believed, its only here to deceive, But perfect love casts out all fear in perfect love its very clear.

Remember, we’re the apple of His eye. this position is the reason why we overcome fear by remembering that fear has torment, and it brings a false witness with no proof And only imagined untruths.

God’s love is sure; it casts out doubts, let not the fear factor psyche you out, make no room in your heart, Reject the lies as soon as they start.

Unseat the fear that’s set up camp, tell yourself you're God’s lamp, He lights you up so the world can see,

His love flows freely


Attributes of Love

Love is perseverance Love is hopeful Love is fearless Love is consistent Love is gracious Love is truthful Love is forgiving Love is stronger than death. Nothing can separate us from the Love of God, which is in Christ Jesus!


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